Manage a single meter, or thousands, from the cloud, free.
The EKM Push3 data system makes all of your submeters’ data securely available in the cloud. Manage all of your submeters remotely from a single software interface or with our Open API.

Revenue Metering
Visible & Billable Rental Property Submetering
Stop subsidizing your tenants and keep all of your rental income in your pocket!
Divide your utility bill according to actual user consumption.
Low hardware costs, and free data, allow you to recoup your investment in as little as a few months.
We offer basic or remote readable systems for electricity, water, and/or gas. – Data Dashboard, Reporting & Billing Solution
Encompass is our free online platform that allows you to aggregate submeter data, schedule usage reports, generate bills, and much more.
Data Monitoring
Monitor data in real time or track trends over the long term
The EKM Push3 system provides free once/minute real time data, as well as summarized data that is stored indefinitely.
- offers a great dashboard for data monitoring and reporting. Did we mention it's free?
Our system provides a rich dataset, particularly our electric meters, which report up to ~40 data points per meter read.
Analyze your data to track the performance of efficiency measures, electrical equipment, lighting systems, etc.

Business Customers

Just three steps. 😎 Lets get started!
Installer Directory
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